Consumer Reports – NEW! Timely and Helpful Tips during the COVID-Era

Typically we think of Consumer Reports for product ratings when we need a car or a new refrigerator, but it has timely information, too.  For example, there is evidence-based reporting and advice regarding the various aspects of life which have been impacted by the COVID-19 era.  You can access Consumer Reports through the 24/7 Library tab on the library’s website (you’ll need your Stratford library card number).  There are so many articles – the ones below are just a few of the many useful topics:
  • How “free” virus testing has become a new surprise medical bill for some people, how to protect yourself, how to appeal, and more
  • “Your COVID-19 Health Toolkit”, and articles about gloves, face shields, masks and other safety-related information
  • What you might expect if you have a non-virus health emergency and have to head to the ER
  • “Your Guide to Voting During the Pandemic” – tips for thinking ahead, checking your voter registration, and more
  • “A Consumer’s Guide to Coronavirus Antibody Tests”
  • “What It’s Like to Recover from COVID-19”
  • “CR’s Guide to the Coronavirus” – covers many topics, including a lot about safety, plus tips if you’re cooking more at home, financial topics, and things to possibly make your time at home better.
Also, Consumer Reports has a monthly “Building a Better World, Together” column where Consumer Reports talks about its research on behalf of consumers.  For July, it includes info about flight refunds, dealing with robocalls, and privacy issues (think Zoom, etc).  In August, it talks about the digital divide, debt collection protection, and progress updates on other topics.

Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10am - 8pm
Friday & Saturday 10am - 5pm
Sunday 1pm - 5 pm