Teen Tuesday uCreate Night!

ucreate mini#Teens: Calling all creators, techies, craft lovers, and foodies! Don’t miss a night of uCreate fun next Tues., 2/28, from 6 to 8 pm in the Teen Dept.! Build #LegoMindstorms #robots, create custom buttons with our #BadgeAMinit #buttonmaker, explore #3Dprinting and see the #Cube3 in action, take our #3Dscanning challenge, and try out the #greenscreen (and leave with a picture… or two… or three…). …and, of course, there will be #snacks. No registration required. Bring friends!

Can’t attend 2/28’s #uCreate #TeenTuesday? Don’t worry! Additional uCreate Teen Tuesdays are coming up on 3/28 and 4/25. Call 203.385.4167 or stop by the Teen Dept. for more info!

Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10am - 8pm
Friday & Saturday 10am - 5pm
Sunday 1pm - 5 pm