Do-It-Yourself Storytime: Food
Pete the Cat and the Perfect Pizza Party
• Written by and James and Kimberly Dean
• Published by HarperCollins
• Presented by STEMHEX
Pete and his friends add some crazy toppings to their pizza.
Fun food crafts you can do with your kids from Forkly:
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
• Written and illustrated by Eric Carle
• Published by Philomel Books
• Presented by Illuminated Films
The classic story of a little caterpillar who eats too much.
Download and print this food matching game based on The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Mama’s Learning Corner:
Gregory, the Terrible Eater
• Written by Mitchell Sharmat
• Illustrated by Jose Aruego and Ariane Dewey
• Simons & Schuster Books for Young Readers
• Presented by Seattle Parks and Recreation
Gregory only likes to eat healthy food. How can his parents teach him to eat like a goat?
Visit this government site to find lots of healthy activities for kids, tips for picky eaters, and more:
The Healthy Eating Song
Apples and Bananas by Kids Preschool
Peanut Butter and Jelly by Super Simple Kids Songs
Rhymes and Fingerplays:
Check this site for many popular nursery rhymes about food:
Ten Little Pizzas
Ten little pizzas made of pizza dough
Cooking in the oven, all in a row
The first one said, “I am perfectly round.”
The second one said, “My crust is golden brown.”
The third one said, “I am covered with cheese.”
The fourth one said, “I have mushrooms, if you please.”
The fifth one said, “I have green peppers sliced.”
The sixth one said, “I have tomatoes diced.”
The seventh one said, “I have pepperoni.”
The eighth one said, “I have everything on me.”
The ninth one said, “I have thick tomato sauce.”
The tenth one said, “Hey, here comes the boss.”
Ten little pizzas lined up so neat
And brought to my table so we can eat.
Making Apple Pie
(tune: Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush)
Here we go to the apple tree, (pretend to walk)
The apple tree, the apple tree,
Here we go to the apple tree
For making apple pie.
This is the way we climb the ladder, (pretend to climb a ladder)
Climb the ladder, climb the ladder,
This is the way we climb the ladder,
For making apple pie.
This is the way we pick the apples, (pretend to pick apples and put in basket)
Pick the apples, pick the apples,
This is the way we pick the apples,
For making apple pie.
This is the way we wash the apples, (pretend to wash apples)
Wash the apples, wash the apples,
This is the way we wash the apples,
For making apple pie.
This is the way we peel the apples, (pretend to peel apples)
Peel the apples, peel the apples,
This is the way we peel the apples,
For making apple pie.
This is the way we roll the crust, (pretend to roll a crust)
Roll the rust, roll the crust,
This is the way we roll the crust
For making apple pie.
This is the way we cook the apples, (pretend to put pie in an oven)
Cook the apples, cook the apples,
This is the way we cook the apples,
For making apple pie.
This is the way we eat the apples, (pretend to eat)
Eat the apples, eat the apples,
This is the way we eat the apples,
We love apple pie.
The Farmer Plants His Corn
(tune: The Farmer in the Dell)
The farmer tills the soil, the farmer tills the soil (pretend to make rows in soil)
Hi-ho the derry-o, the farmer tills the soil.
The farmer plants his seeds, the farmer plants his seeds (pretend to drop seeds on ground)
Hi-ho the derry-o, the farmer plants his seeds.
The rain waters the crop, the rain waters the crop (flutter fingers down like rain)
Hi-ho the derry-o, the rain waters the crop.
The sun shines on the plants, the sun shines on the plants (hold arms in circle above head)
Hi-ho the derry-o, the sun shines on the plants.
The plants grow big and tall, the plants grow big and tall (put hands down and raise them up)
Hi-ho the derry-o, the plants grow big and tall.
The farmer cuts his corn, the farmer cuts his corn (pretend to slash corn stalks)
Hi-ho the derry-o, the farmer cuts his corn.
The farmer cooks the corn, the farmer cooks the corn (pretend to put corn in a pot)
Hi-ho the derry-o, the farmer cooks the corn.
We all have corn to eat, we all have corn to eat (pretend to eat corn on the cob)
Hi-ho the derry-o, we all have corn to eat.
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