College and Career Resources


The Common Application
Apply to over 600 schools through one application.


Best Colleges
Up-to-date collection of college rankings will keep you informed about what schools across the country have to offer in terms of top-rated academics and student lifestyle.

College Board
Comprehensive resource for test prep, college and career search, as well as scholarship information. Register and get tips to prepare for your SAT.

Colleges, College Scholarships, and Financial Aid
Over 3.7 million college scholarships & grants and about $19 billion in financial aid.

College Degrees Online
In this resource you will find online degree programs from every accrediting board in the U.S. and the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. There is information available for over 2,400 different colleges with online degrees at different levels.

College Navigator
From the National Center for Educational Statistics, enter your personal parameters and build lists of potential colleges easily exported to Excel.

This free website offers an easy way to gather information about college scholarships. The backgrounds of registered users are matched with eligibility requirements for scholarships from around the country. FastWeb has a directory of over 4,000 schools with information on financial aid and admissions.

U.S. News and World Report’s Best Colleges and Graduate Schools
Annual rankings of the ‘best’ educational institutions and programs in the U.S. Search for colleges and graduate schools by name, or fill out the interactive worksheet to find schools by location, cost, size, academic programs, etc.


FAFSA On the Web
This government-sponsored website allows students to fill out a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) online. FAFSA on the Web automatically edits applicants’ answers before transmitting, resulting in fewer applications rejected. Also, because of a feature called “skip logic,” the application will be prompted to ask only the questions that the individual student needs to answer.

FinAid! – The Smart Student Guide to Financial Aid
One of the most comprehensive annotated collections of information about student financial aid on the web. FinAid’s custom calculators can help you figure out how much school will cost, how much you need to save, and how much aid you’ll need.

Student Loan Guide
Consumer Affairs (Consumers Unified, LLC) offers an introduction to a variety of private student lenders. Selecting a lender is an important choice. There are many differences between lenders, including rates and terms.


Free Textbooks
From Open Culture: 200 free textbooks.


Peterson’s Test Prep
Full access to GALE SAT, ACT, AP test prep and practice tests. College search and scholarship information is also available. All TERC resources are free when you register with your Stratford Library card.


Connecticut Department of Labor Youth Workforce
Find information on career exploration, self-assessment, preparing for college or job training, teen workforce laws and regulations, as well as interview and resume tips.

Job Now
Career search, resume help, interview tips, and live online help. Register with your Stratford Library card.

Occupational Outlook Handbook
A publication of the United States Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics that includes information about the nature of work, working conditions, training and education, earnings, and job outlook for hundreds of different occupations. The handbook is released biennially with its companion publication, The Career Guide to Industries.

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