DIY Storytime – Frogs

Enjoy this DIY Storytime on the theme of Frogs whenever is convenient for your family.

Do-It-Yourself Storytime


book I don't want to be a frogI Don’t Want to Be a Frog
• Written by Dev Petty
• Illustrated by Mike Boldt
• Published by Doubleday Books for Young Readers
• Presented by Grandma’s House
A young frog wants to be a different animal but finds outs why being a frog is better.
Art for Kids has a video with directions on How to Draw a Cartoon Frog:


book growing frogsGrowing Frogs
• Written by Vivian French
• Illustrated by Alison Bartlett
• Published by Candlewick Press
• Presented by Lisette Andreani
A girl learns how frog eggs turn into tadpoles and then frogs.
T.R.E.E.Online has some printable materials about the life cycle of a frog:


book frog and toad are friendsFrog and Toad Are Friends
• Written and illustrated by Arnold Lobel
• Published by HarperCollins
• Presented by Sarah’s Storytime
Four stories about two best friends.
Frog and Toad character pictures from Lakeshore Learning: plans/FrogToadCharacter.pdf
Frog & Toad background pictures to print from Lakeshore learning: plans/FrogToadBackgrounds.pdf


Five Green and Speckled Frogs by Kiboomers

Little Frog Dance by The Children’s Kingdom

The Frog Song by LooLoo Kids


Five Little Tadpoles

Five little tadpoles swimming near the shore.
The first one said, “Let’s swim some more.”
The second one said, “Let’s rest awhile.”
The third one said, “Swimming makes me smile.”
The fourth one said, “My legs are growing long.”
The fifth one said, “I’m getting very strong.”
Five little tadpoles will soon be frogs.
They’ll jump from the water and sit on logs.

In The Pond
(tune: The Farmer in the Dell)

The frog lives in the pond (squat down like a frog)
His tongue is very long. (stretch out one arm in front of your face)
It reaches high to catch a fly (raise arm into the air, and pretend to grab something)
And then he signs this song.
Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit (jump up and down like a frog)
Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit
High, ho just watch him go (jump around like a frog)
The frog lives in the pond. (stop jumping and squat down)

The frog he likes to swim (move arms in front like you’re swimming)
Just watch him dive right in (place arms together in a diving position)
He jumps off his lily pad (jump like a frog)
And then his swim begins.
Splish, splash, sploosh (jump and move arms like swimming)
Splish, splash, sploosh
High, ho just watch him go
The frog he likes to swim. (stop jumping and just move arms)

I’m a Little Frog
(tune: I’m a Little Teapot)

I’m a little frog
All slick and green.
I once was a tadpole
As you have seen.
Then I grew some strong legs
Swimming about
And now I’m a frog,
Hurray, let’s shout!

frog coloring

Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10am - 8pm
Friday & Saturday 10am - 5pm

Sunday 1pm - 5 pm