DIY Storytime – Toys

Enjoy this DIY Storytime on Toys whenever is convenient for your family.


just a toy bookJust A Toy
• Written and illustrated by Gina and Mercer Mayer
• Published by Golden Books
• Presented by Kids Books Read Aloud
Little Critter has a hard time deciding which new toy to buy.
Adventure in a Box has instructions for lots of DIY Toys for Kids Made from Recyclable Materials:

too many toys bookToo Many Toys
• Written and illustrated by David Shannon
• Published by Blue Sky Press
• Presented by Kids books read aloud by Books with Blue
Spencer has way too many toys. But how can be bear to give any away?
DIY Cozy Home has 29 Fun and Creative DIY Games to Get Your Kids Learning:

teddy's favorite toy bookTeddy’s Favorite Toy
• Written by Christian Trimmer
• Illustrated by Madeline Valentine
• Published by Atheneum Books for Young Readers
• Presented by Tracy Brosch
When Teddy’s favorite toy gets tossed in the trash by mistake, his mom springs in to action to rescue it.
Happy Hooligans has several ideas for Fun and Easy Doll Crafts for Kids:


The Marvelous Toy – Tom Paxton

You’ve Got a Friend in Me (Toy Story) from DisneySingItVideos

My Toys by Pipalupa


My Balloon

I had a big balloon (make circle with hands)
That I hugged tight to me (hug self tightly)
There was a great big BANG! (clap hands loudly)
No more balloon for me! (make a sad face)
But if I had this many more (hold up five fingers)
I wouldn’t hug them tight (shake head)
I’d just hold the strings (make fist)
And fly them like a kite. (pretend arm is being pulled up by balloons)

Sharing Toys Is Fun
(tune: The Wheels on the Bus)

Look at all the toys we have,
Toys for me, toys for you (point to self and away)
Look at all the toys we have
Toys we can share.

I can bounce my ball with you,
Bounce to me, bounce to you (pretend to bounce a ball)
I can bounce my ball with you
Sharing is fun.

I can ride my bike with you,
Ride to here, ride to there (roll hands in pedaling motion)
I can ride my bike with you
Sharing is fun.

I can dress up dolls with you
Try on this, try on that (pretend to hold up doll clothes)
I can dress up dolls with you
Sharing is fun.

I can build my blocks with you,
Build it up, knock it down (pretend to build a block tower and
I can build my blocks with you knock it down)
Sharing is fun.

I can drive my trains with you
On the track, here and back (make train wells motions with arms)
I can drive my trains with you
Sharing is fun.

I can fly my kite with you
Fly it high, fly it low (pretend to hold up a kite)
I can fly my kite with you
Sharing is fun.

We can have a tea party
With our toys, you and me (pretend to sip tes from a cup)
We can have a tea party
Sharing is fun.

I like to share my toys with you
We can play, every day (point to all your toys)
I like to share my toys with you
Sharing is fun.

Ten Playful Toys

Ten playful toys, which one will be mine?
Jayden grabbed the teddy bear, now there are nine.
Eight playful toys, they all look so great
Amy found the puzzle, now there are eight.
Eight playful toys, is there one for Kevin?
He took the airplane, now there are seven.
Seven playful toys, one has building bricks
Taylor picked up that box, now there are six.
Six playful toys, there’s a doll that looks life-size
Jasmine wanted that toy, now there are five.
Five playful toys, no less and no more
Bobbie got the modeling clay, then there were four.
Four playful toys, come look and see
Brea snatched the jump rope, then there were three.
Three playful toys, what will Jordan do?
He choose the race car, now there are two.
Two playful toys, they both look like fun
Jane scooped up the hula hoop, then there was one.
One playful toy, which one will it be?
Yes, it’s the roller skates – the perfect toy for me!

toys coloring page

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Friday & Saturday 10am - 5pm