Just 4 Teens

Teen Tuesday uCreate PLAY!uCreate-teens-Feb-217-195x300
Middle and High School teens getting together for an evening of fun with the 3D printer, 3D scanner, Lego robots, button making and green screen photography and more!  All current 6th graders are invited to join us too!

Tuesday March 28th from 6-8 pm. No registration required.


Want to check out some of our other teen programs?  Remember all middle and high school teens are invited and no registration is required.

Youth Review Board-monthly group who read, review and recommend books and talk about current teen issues.  Wednesday, April 5th  at 3:30 pm. (Grades 6 and up)

Anime Club– teens who love Anime and Manga, watch movies and share their artwork. Wednesday April 12th at 4 pm. (Grades 6 and up)

Creative Writing WorkshopHigh School and College age students who love to write enjoy the chance to publish or perform your own work!  Monday March 20th at 6:30 pm.

Middle School MeetUp/6th Grade Finish Line Movie Event!Middle school bubble
ALL 6th, 7th & 8th grade students are invited to a special presentation of
Middle School:The WORST Years of My Life
Tuesday April 11th 2 pm Lovell Room
Watch for more information….or better yet stop by the Teen Dept. and ask us about it!

Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10am - 8pm
Friday & Saturday 10am - 5pm