Last call for summer reading!

courtesy of Flickr user

courtesy of Flickr user

Yes, we are so sad that summer reading is drawing to a close. But we are happy about the amazing books you have read and shared with us!

Here are the deadlines for summer reading 🙂

– Spend all Library Loot (green book) no later than this Saturday

– Log all books for summer reading no later than this Saturday

– Return all prize tickets no later than this Saturday

– Pick up all summer prizes (while supplies last) by August 20

– Prize drawings will be announced no later than August 24. You do not need to be present to win (Drawings are not announced at the August 17 party – we are so busy being proud of you that day!).

– Even though the summer reading program ends this Saturday, you may continue to type in books for your own enjoyment through the end of August. Please print out your list no later than the first week of September – the system closes and we are unable to access lists after that time.

– Don’t forget Read Around Stratford, our school year summer reading club – which starts October 1. Read 1000 pages to qualify for a party in the spring.

Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10am - 8pm
Friday & Saturday 10am - 5pm