Money Smart Week 2023

April is National Financial Literacy Month and Money Smart Week 2023 is an excellent opportunity to review and upgrade your financial smarts! 

Money Smart Week is a virtual campaign that aims to help people better manage their personal finances, with a focus on tools for low and moderate incomes. The Week is now over, but recordings of all Money Smart Week 2023 events are now available at and through the links below. They include options for English and Spanish captions.

Get smart about your money! Access event recordings and related resources using the links below:

Money Smart Week 2023 Programs:

These online workshops cover important financial topics ranging from budgeting, debt relief, employer retirement plans, and a Spanish language session on financial institutions:


Budgeting is not just a matter of making a spending plan and cutting expenses. It’s important to set goals for where you want your money to take you. Motivation is important for adjusting behavior to see real results. Attend this session to:

  • Review recommended guidelines for an effective budget
  • Learn how to assess the unique spending needs of your family
  • Let your vision for the future guide your weekly budget

Leave the session with access to information and resources that make it easier to manage your family’s budget, courtesy of the University of Arkansas System, Division of Agriculture.

Presented by: Katie Cullum, M.S.E., CFCS, County Extension Agent – Family & Consumer Science


¿Por qué es importante aprender sobre las instituciones financieras? Los bancos, las cooperativas de ahorro y de crédito, los transmisores de dinero, los cambiadores de cheques y otros proveedores de productos y servicios financieros pueden desempeñar un papel importante en el establecimiento del bienestar financiero si se entienden y utilizan correctamente.

En su presentación, Vanessa Arita Reyes destacará por qué es importante investigar y tener conversaciones sobre los sistemas financieros en las comunidades en las que vivimos. Vanessa compartirá sus principales razones para aprender sobre las instituciones financieras, que incluyen:

  • Orientarse en el sistema financiero a través de las herramientas y los recursos disponibles
  • Comprender cómo funciona el crédito, los informes de crédito y el sistema de crédito
  • Proteger la información personal para evitar ser víctima de estafas

Durante esta presentación, el Departamento de Instituciones Financieras (DFI) del Estado de Washington se centrará en la importancia de conversar sobre el dinero y las finanzas. Las conversaciones pueden usarse como una herramienta para abordar el desafío de que comprender la industria financiera puede ser complicado, incluso cuando usamos nuestra lengua materna, lo cual puede incrementar las desventajas que las personas que no hablan inglés experimentan en los EE. UU. Asista a este seminario para aprender a tener y dirigir conversaciones sobre instituciones financieras y finanzas personales, mientras analiza fuentes de información para tomar las mejores decisiones para su situación particular.

Presentado por: Vanessa Arita Reyes, Coordinadora, Programas de Educación Financier


Financial products can be complex and confusing. Fear of sinking further into debt can leave consumers paralyzed. Worse still, hastily made decisions fueled by stress and urgency can lead to disaster. Regain control by attending this session in which the National Foundation for Credit Counseling will:

  • Bring clarity to the complex landscape of debt-related financial products
  • Outline popular options to affordably repay debt
  • Teach patience and informed decision making when debt feels overwhelming

Leave the session with an understanding of the steps involved for proper debt management and the pitfalls that could set you back.

Presented by: Bruce McClary, Senior Vice President of Membership and Communications


Whether self-employed, underemployed, or working for an organization of any size, it’s important to know the paths available to secure your financial future. In this session the U.S. Department of Labor, Employee Benefits Security Administration will:

  • Provide information on common retirement plans seen across employers
  • Weigh the pros and cons of various retirement paths available
  • Help define what a secure retirement looks like for you and your future

Leave this session with confidence in understanding the steps involved for securing your financial future and action items to take with your employer.

Presented by: Kimberly Johnson, Benefits Advisor

CLICK HERE  for information on more financial topics and financial literacy reading suggestions.

Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10am - 8pm
Friday & Saturday 10am - 5pm