Teen Events happening this week!

Lego-RobotTuesday-Tonight – August 9th – 6:00 pm –  Lovell Room
uCreate!  Middle school and high school teens looking for something to do?  You are invited to join us for  video games, board games, karaoke, crafts, Lego robotics, 3D printing and video production.  There is definitely something new to check out.  Drop by and see what’s new at the library.  No registration required.


Anime mashWednesday – August 10th – 4:00 pm – Lovell Room
Anime Club! Are you an Anime/Manga fan?  Middle school and high school teens are welcome to join other teens watching the latest Anime, sharing what you are reading, watching and your art work as well as make recommendations for the Teen Anime and Manga collections.  Stop by and bring a friend.  No registration required.

Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10am - 8pm
Friday & Saturday 10am - 5pm