Things to do @ the Library over vacation!

Do you have some free time over the school vacation?  Well check out some of the things you can do at the library for FREE!
Hang out in the Teen area and…

  • Play some board games
  • Try out our crafts supply-BE CREATIVE
  • Read a great book
  • Pick up some DVD or CDs
  • Check out the growing Anime & Manga collections
  • Download one of the AWESOME apps available for free:
  • hoopla–MOVIES & TV shows
  • Freegal Music–free downloadable music
  • Overdrive–free downloadable books
  • Try out UltraKey6 and improve your keyboarding skills
  • Log into TERC and prepare for your ACT, SAT or PSAT
  • OR…catch up those assignments!

Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10am - 8pm
Friday & Saturday 10am - 5pm