Video Production, Lego Robots and more!

Lego-RobotStratford teens have been busy this summer with Open Mic performances, old school video game nights, special movie events and more!  If you haven’t joined us yet-no worries!  We have lots of special events still to come!
Next up:
Brand NEW–Lego Robots and Video Production!  We are learning about video production and will be recording and editing our Teen Tuesday night event.  There will be more 3D printing, board games, arts, crafts and refreshments as well.
Interested in MAGIC: The Gathering?
Join other teens already playing or
just learn more about it.

Tuesday July 26th 6:00-8:00 pm in the Lovell Room.
All middle and high school students are welcome and there is no pre-registration.
Bring a friend or come on your own. 

(and yes, if you just completed 6th grade
you are officially a middle-schooler-so join us)

Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10am - 8pm
Friday & Saturday 10am - 5pm