What’s Going On July 13 to 18, 2020

smile sayingHappy July! And thank you to our volunteer Vivian for creating this quote art! Here’s what’s going on this week.

Monday at 6 – LEGO Challenge. Ages 5-12. Join Miss Melissa for a fun building challenge. You’ll need LEGOs to participate. Register.

Tuesday at 5 – NEW Books Club. Grades 4-6. Learn about new books, and find out how to reserve them for check out. Register.

Wednesday at 10:30 am – Family Yoga. Ages 10+ – younger children accompanied (online!) by a grown-up. Register.

Wednesday at 2 pm – Read to Dogs. Register for a 10 minute reading time.

Thursday at 4:30 pm – Hands-on Bubble Workshop with Casey Carle. Grades 2 to 5. Learn how to make amazing bubble art and sculptures, all from home! Register

Friday at 10:30 am. Friday Fun Storytime. Ages 1 to 5. Register.

Saturday at 11 am. Hero Music Time. Ages 0 to 5. Who are your heroes? Dress up and let’s sing! Register.

Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10am - 8pm
Friday & Saturday 10am - 5pm