Archive | Children

Book Time vs. Screen Time

Wondering about computer/TV/video games and how to balance screen time and reading time? Here’s a great article specifically for parents 🙂

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Summer Reading Website

To sign up or log in for summer reading, click here!  Congratulations to our 670+ readers who have completed 3434+ books! Remember, if Stratford children read at least 10,000 books, Miss A will sing a rock song at your party! Vote for the song at the Library. Right now, the votes are as follows: 59 […]

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Cookie Chat with Author C. Taylor-Butler

 Sign up for our author chat, happening Wednesday, June 10 at 6:30 pm in the Library Lovell Room.  Hear about Ms. Taylor’s books, see a science experiment, enjoy a craft, and eat cookies!  And, just so no one forgets the website, here’s the link to the SUMMER READING WEBSITE: Log on to the reading website […]

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Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10am - 8pm
Friday & Saturday 10am - 5pm

Sunday 1pm - 5 pm