Free Small Business Administration Workshops

Thinking of Starting Your Own Business?


Already in business but still have questions?  Is your business in need of financing but don’t know where to go?  Wondering how to do business with the State of Connecticut and the Federal Government?

The U.S. Small Business Administration’s CT District Office has partnered with the Stratford Chamber of Commerce and Milford Bank to offer free seminars for small business owners and those thinking of about entering the world of entrepreneurship.

All workshops will be from 5-7 pm in the Lovell Room.
To register:
Call Lisa Powell at 860.240.4892
or email:

Wed., March 4
Starting Your Small Business
Have you ever thought about starting a business?  Doing it right from the start is a key to your success.  A great place to start is this free seminar that helps point you in the right direction.  This seminar will cover topics such as choosing a business name/structure, licensing, registrations, importance of business plan, etc.

Wed., March 18
ABC’s of a Business Plan
The importance, what it is used for, what should be in it, what it says about you and your business

Wed., April 1
Financing Your Small Business (what lenders look for and understanding credit reports)
Finding capital for your small business is not impossible.  Get pointers from the SBA that will help you get your business moving toward financial stability.  Topics discussed will be traditional (SBA’s guaranteed loan program) and non-traditional (SBA’s micro-loan program) ways of financing, what lenders look for and understanding a credit report

Wed., April 29
Doing Business with the Government
This seminar will cover where you need to be registered in order to do business with the State of Connecticut and the Federal Government.  You will be shown the websites for locating federal bids over $25,000 and the State’s bid portal where State and Municipal bids can be found.  Also covered will be State and Federal Set-aside programs.

Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10am - 8pm
Friday & Saturday 10am - 5pm