Special End of Summer Teen Tuesdays

movie_poster_zootopia_866a1bf2Teen Tuesday-all teens invited
Tuesday, August 30th 4:00 pm.
One more movie night before school starts!
You asked for it so here it is….Join us in the cool air conditioned Lovell Room for the animated feature film ZOOTOPIA! All middle and high school teens are invited. No registration required.


middle school sidewaysTeen Tuesday Special Event
Tuesday, August 30th 6:30 pm.

This is a first time event!  All teens entering 7th or 8th grade are invited to a special Middle School Meetup-a night of games, music, FOOD and fun.  No registration is required.  Join us just for the Meetup or come from the movie and stay for the meetup!  A great way to catch up with friends and make some new friends before school begins!

Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10am - 8pm
Friday & Saturday 10am - 5pm