Summer Reading 2018 Begins June 1

Stop by the Library beginning June 1 to sign up for summer reading! Our programs are organized by age – here’s a brief summary.

Ages 0-8 (grown-up reading with you) – Read to Me Club – Complete 20 activities for weekly stickers and a party invitation.

librarian for a day

Grades K-7 (readers) – Summer Reading Challenge – Complete 8 books for an end-of-summer party and weekly prizes. Enter a prize drawing to enter our For-a-Day experiences including “Be a Librarian for-a-day!” Special events listed on our online Events page.

Grades 5-8 (tweens) – Tween Summer Challenge – Complete 8 activities for an end-of-summer party and weekly prize drawings. Special events listed on our online Events page.

The Library also hosts Teen and Adult summer reading programs.

Join our summer celebration – Libraries and Readers Rock!

Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10am - 8pm
Friday & Saturday 10am - 5pm