What’s Going On – May 4 to 9, 2020

llama picIt’s week 8 – stay strong! Good things are coming, including this beautiful spring that is slowly arriving. If you’re tired of rolling around the house, join us for storytimes and other programs. This week’s picture? Llama or alpaca – I can’t tell. You tell me!

Mondays at 10:30 am
Toddler Time
Ages 1-2, siblings are welcome. Songs and rhymes to build literacy skills. Registration required.

Special May the Fourth Be with You Programs!
4 pm Draw with Josie. Ages 6-12. Draw BB-8. Registration required.
7 pm. Star Wars Trivia. Grades 3 and up. Registration required.
Crafts – check our online calendar for craft ideas. Visit crafts.

Tuesdays at 10:30 am
Preschool Storytime
Ages 3-5. Stories, songs, and sharing for our preschool families. Registration required.

NEW! Tuesday Science Experiments
Enjoy a new science experiment video every Tuesday. Watch our social media pages to view the videos.

Wednesdays at 10:30 am
Count Me In
Ages 3-6. Celebrate the numbers with a story, a song and activities. Registration required.

Thursdays at 10:30 am
Online Baby and Caregiver Support Time
A resource for babies up to 18 months and their grown-ups. Songs and rhymes will be shared, along with the opportunity for caregiver discussion and support. Registration required.

Thursdays at 3:30-3:45 pm
Alphabet Parade – (5/7 is the letter F)
Let’s march our way through the alphabet, celebrating one letter each week (Surely the quarantine will be over by the time we get to Z (Laughing!)). Families should have crayons and paper, and be ready to march around their house looking for the alphabet everywhere! Registration required.

Thursdays at 7 pm
Good Night with Dolly
Enjoy bedtime stories with Dolly Parton. She will read one of her Imagination Library books each Thursday. Storytime is on the internet, and no registration required. More information and tune in at https://imaginationlibrary.com/

Fridays at 10:30 am
Friday Fun
Stories and songs for ages 2 to 5. Registration required.

Do It Yourself Storytime
Check out a self-paced storytime, posted right here on the Kids page every Saturday. Themes will change each week.

artemis fowl bookJoin our Artemis Fowl Book Group

Please join our online book club for “Artemis Fowl”.  Together we’ll read the first book in the series prior to the June 12th release of the movie on Disney+. (See the trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fl2r3Fwxz_o)

Artemis is a criminal mastermind who attempts to steal fairy gold in order to restore his family’s fortune. The story is an action-packed fantasy filled with adventure that appeals to all ages and would be perfect for family members reading together.

Members of the book club will receive, via email, optional discussion questions and loads of fun extras such as codes & ciphers, trivia questions, word searches, information about the author, and ideas for activities and crafts to go along with the story. Everything is optional and reading is done at your own pace. We look forward to reading with you!

Ebook and downloadable audiobook versions of Artemis Fowl can be borrowed from the library using Hoopla and OverDrive.

Please complete this registration form to join the book club: https://forms.gle/TAfnLzmKf5xq7LiK6

Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10am - 8pm
Friday & Saturday 10am - 5pm