Dressed Herring under Fur salad

Flora S.


  • 2 thick salted herrings matthias
  • 5 potatoes
  • 4 carrots
  • 4 beets
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 lb mayonnaise


  • Boil vegetables until they are ready ( you can boil vegetables in 1 pan).
  • Boil eggs hard.
  • Peel skin from herrings, cut them along the spine. Take all bones away. Cut herring meat into very little pieces and always check for bones. Take a large dish. Put herring meat evenly on the bottom. If you like onion, you can put little pieces of onion on the herring.
  • Then spread mayonnaise evenly (thin layer).
  • Grind potatoes and make the next layer of it. Spread mayonnaise.
  • Use a fork to plane the layers. Then goes carrot (grind, put, spread).
  • Then you do the same with 4 eggs and beets.
  • Spread mayonnaise on the beets and grind 1 egg on it to make the dish beautiful.
  • Put the dish in the fridge for an hour.


This salad must look like a cake. Selyodka pod Shouboy is served as an appetizer.

Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10am - 8pm
Friday & Saturday 10am - 5pm