DIY Storytime – Snowy Days

Enjoy this Do-It-Yourself Storytime on the theme of
Snowy Days
whenever is convenient for your family.


book snowy dayThe Snowy Day
• Written and illustrated by Ezra Jack Keats
• Published by
• Presented by EJK Fountation
The classic story of a boy who spends a wonderful day playing in the snow.
The OT Toolbox shows how to use white pom-poms or cotton balls and glue to make a Craft Pom Snowflake:


book snowman magicSnowman Magic
• Written by Katherine Tegen
• Illustrated by
• Published by
• Presented by Storytime Anytime
George builds a magic snowman.
Kids Activities has instructions for making snow men out of foam cups and felt:


book snow daySnow Day!
• Written by Candice Ransom
• Illustrated by
• Published by
• Presented by Black Kids Books and Videos
Five kids enjoy a snow day together.
Make Snow Shooters and have an indoor snowball fight with this craft by Growing a Jeweled Rose:


The Snow Song (Little Snowflakes Are Falling Falling) by HiDino Kids Songs

Snow Day (Rhythm Lesson) by Preschool Prodigies Music

Snowy Day by Super Wings TV


A Chubby Little Snowman

A chubby little snowman (form arms into a circle in front of you)
Had a carrot nose (hold right hand straight out from nose)
Along came a bunny (hold up 2 fingers like bunny ears and hop up & down)
And what do you suppose? (shrug shoulders)
The hungry little bunny (rub tummy)
Looking for some lunch (look around)
Ate the snowman’s carrot nose (hold nose with right hand, left hand takes it down)
And nibble, crunch, munch! (open and close one hand to show eating)

It Is Snowing
(tune: Frere Jacques)

It is snowing, it is snowing
Flakes fall down, from the sky
See them as they flutter, watch them as they pile up
On the ground, on the ground.

It is snowing, it is snowing
All day long, then all night
Everything is covered, with a white snow blanket
On the ground, on the ground.

It stopped snowing, it stopped snowing
Now we go, out to play
Let’s all make a snowman, then we can go sledding
In the snow, in the snow.

My Snowsuit
(tune: The Farmer in the Dell)

I put on my snow pants
I put on my snow pants (pretend to put on pants)
Warm clothes for when it snows
I put on my snow pants.

I put on my big coat
I put on my big coat (pretend to put on coat)
Warm clothes for when it snows
I put on my big coat.

My hat goes on my head
My hat goes on my head (pretend to put on hat)
Warm clothes for when it snows
My hat goes on my head

My scarf goes ‘round my neck
My scarf goes ‘round my neck (pretend to put on scarf)
Warm clothes for when it snows
My scarf goes ‘round my neck.

My gloves go on my hands
My gloves go on my hands (pretend to put on gloves)
Warm clothes for when it snows
My gloves go on my hands.

My boots go on my feet
My boots go on my feet (pretend to put on boots)
Warm clothes for when it snows
My hat goes on my head.

I’m ready to go out (pretend to open the door)
I’m ready to go out
I’m dressed up warm to play outside
I’m ready to go out.

Snowy coloring page

Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10am - 8pm
Friday & Saturday 10am - 5pm
Sunday 1pm - 5 pm