DIY Storytime – Under the Sea

Do-It-Yourself Storytime
Theme – Under the Sea

Enjoy this DIY storytime whenever you like!


clarkStory: Clark the Shark

  • Written by Bruce hale
  • Illustrated by Guy Francis
  • Published by HarperCollins
  • Presented by StorylineOnline and read by Chris Pine

Clark the Shark loves his life. But he loves everything just a bit… too much.

This discussion guide for Clark the Shark includes craft instructions for a paper envelope shark.


 pout pout fishStory: The Pout-Pout Fish

  • Written by Debora Diesen
  • Illustrated by Dan Hanna
  • Published by Farrar Straus Giroux
  • Presented by Little Readers

Pout-Pout Fish can’t help but be gloomy until someone shows him a better way to be.

Kids can make Pout-Pout Fish masks to help them talk about their feelings.

swimmy Story: Swimmy

  • Written and Illustrated by Leo Lionni
  • Published by Scholastic
  • Presented by Grandma Annii’s Storytime

The little red fish are afraid of being eaten by the big fish until Swimmy shows them how to work together.

STEAM Activities – This site shows different ways kids can create a big fish like the one in Swimmy.



Baby Shark Dance –  Sing and Dance!

The Little Mermaid – Under the Sea

 OCTOPUS’S GARDEN –  Muppet Show


Teasing Mr. Shark
(count down fingers as fish disappear)

Five little fishes, swimming in the sea                  (hold up five fingers)
Teasing Mr. Shark, “You can’t catch me!”
Along comes Mr. Shark, mouth open wide         (position arms like a giant open mouth)

SNAP!                                                                        (clap arms together to close mouth)

One little fish down inside.
Four little fishes, swimming in the sea                 (hold up four fingers)
Teasing Mr. Shark, “You can’t catch me!”
Along comes Mr. Shark, mouth open wide         (position arms like a giant open mouth)

SNAP!                                                                        (clap arms together to close mouth)

Two little fish down inside.
Three little fishes, swimming in the sea               (hold up three fingers)
Teasing Mr. Shark, “You can’t catch me!”
Along comes Mr. Shark, mouth open wide         (position arms like a giant open mouth)

SNAP!                                                                        (clap arms together to close mouth)

Three little fish down inside.
Two little fishes, swimming in the sea                  (hold up two fingers)
Teasing Mr. Shark, “You can’t catch me!”
Along comes Mr. Shark, mouth open wide         (position arms like a giant open mouth)

SNAP!                                                                        (clap arms together to close mouth)

Four little fish down inside.


One little fish, swimming in the sea                      (hold up one finger)

Teasing Mr. Shark, “You can’t catch me!”
Along comes Mr. Shark, mouth open wide         (position arms like a giant open mouth)

SNAP!                                                                        (clap arms together to close mouth)

No little fishes swimming in the sea
Teasing Mr. Shark, “You can’t catch me!”
Along came a rumble from down inside
Excuse yourself, Mr. Shark!

A Fish Alive

One, two, three, four, five              (count fingers on left hand)
I caught a little fish alive                (catch fingers on right hand with left hand)                                          

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten        

Then I let it go again.                     (release fingers quickly)
Why did you let it go?
Because it bit my fingers so.         (shake right hand)
Which finger did it bite?

This little pinkie on the right!          (point to little finger on right hand)
The Fish in the Sea

(tune: The Wheels on the Bus)

The fish in the sea go swim, swim, swim                         (pretend to swim)
swim, swim, swim,
swim, swim, swim
The fish in the sea go swim, swim, swim
In the deep blue sea.

The lobsters in the sea go pinch, pinch, pinch               (hands make pincer movement) hands)
pinch, pinch, pinch
pinch, pinch, pinch
The lobsters in the sea go pinch, pinch, pinch
In the deep blue sea.

The squids in the sea go wiggle, wiggle, wiggle            (wiggle all over)
wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
The squids in the sea go wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
In the deep blue sea.

The sharks in the sea go chomp, chomp, chomp          (open & close arms like a mouth)
chomp, chomp, chomp
chomp, chomp, chomp
The sharks in the sea go chomp, chomp, chomp
In the deep blue sea.


The crabs in the sea go skitter, skitter, skitter                 (wiggle fingers like they are walking)
skitter, skitter, skitter
skitter, skitter, skitter
The crabs in the sea go skitter, skitter, skitter
In the deep blue sea.

The whales in the sea go spout, spout, spout                (Put arms over head, open & close hands)
spout, spout, spout
spout, spout, spout
The whales in the sea go spout, spout, spout
In the deep blue sea.

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Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10am - 8pm
Friday & Saturday 10am - 5pm
Sunday 1pm - 5 pm