What’s Going On – June 1-6, 2020

wolverineIt’s week 12, or week 2 of Phase 2 reopening. How’re you doing – there are only two weeks of school left – home stretch! This week’s photo? A wolverine. A rare sighting in Washington state revealed one on the beach, not their usual habitat, and there are only about 20 of them known to exist in the entire state. It looks like he is venturing out and about, just like we are beginning to! Here at the Library, we ended our spring programming session last week, and now we’re in our ‘intersession’ period, where usually we visit the schools and talk about books. This year, however, we will use that time to train our virtual high school volunteers, and run a few special storytimes. Join us!

In other news, Library To Go pick-up has started. You can place a hold on items in our catalog, just like you used to! and then schedule an appointment for pick up. I haven’t heard the exact number of items we’ve already prepared for pick up, but it’s in the 100s. Keep shopping! Also, our June programming calendar is online, and registrations will begin June 1. Be sure to register for crafts, storytimes, bookgroups, and special programs. We’ll be highlighting some of them here in the weeks to come.

rainbowJune 2, 10:30 am
Rainbow Storytime
Come celebrate all kinds of families with stories and songs and activities. LBGT books willbe enjoyed along with rainbow activities to usher in Pride month at the library. All welcome. Register here. 


volunteerJune 4, 6 pm
Virtual Volunteer Training
Grades 8-12
Application required to apply; spaces are limited.

June 6
DIY Storytime – Kindness 
Check this website on Saturday for an on-your-own storytime about kindness. New storytimes every Saturday.

June 8, 6:30 pm
Fun with Pirates Storytime 
Ages 2-6. Register here. 

Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10am - 8pm
Friday & Saturday 10am - 5pm