DIY Storytime – Libraries

Do-It-Yourself Storytime

In honor of Library card month, enjoy this DIY Storytime on the theme of libraries, whenever is convenient for your family.


book lola at the libraryLola at the Library
• Written by Anna McQuinn
• Illustrated by Rosalind Beardshaw
• Published by Charlesbridge Publishing
• Presented by SnuggleBug StoryTime
Lola loves visiting the library with her mom and checking out books.
Do you live in or near Stratford, CT? The Stratford Library has lots of programs for people of all ages, including preschool storytimes. Check out our events calendar at:
You can sign up for our newsletter to get monthly updates at:

book library books are not for eatingLibrary Books Are NOT for Eating!
• Written by Todd Tarpley
• Illustrated by Tom Booth
• Published by Doubleday Books for Young Readers
• Presented by Read Right Now
Everyone at school loves Ms. Bronte, but not her habit of eating books.
The Stratford Library Children’s Department created this Book Care Song to help you learn the proper way to treat library books:

book splat the cat and the late library bookSplat the Cat and the Late Library Book
• Written and illustrated by Rob Scotton
• Published by HarperFestival
• Presented by Storytime IS Funtime!
When Splat puts some of his things in piles to donate, he is shocked to find a library book that is overdue.
Books and Giggles has ideas for kids to set up a Let’sPlay Library game.


The Library Song by Sesame Street

The Library Song by Tom Chapin

Arthur: Library Card Song by PBS

Richard Scarry’s The Library Song

Mrs. Simpsons’, The Book Care Song! Sing along with a song written just for all of you!
School Support Tips – Sing the Book Care Song | Stratford Library Association


The Library Visit
(tune: The Wheels on the Bus)
(Note: Have a selection of books nearby to go with the song)

Today we go to the library, (march in place)
Library, library.
Today we go to the library
Our favorite place.

The librarian says, “Have a seat (sit down)
Have a seat, have a seat.”
The librarian says “Have a seat
For Storytime.”

We sit on the rug to hear a tale, (sit up straight to pay attention)
Hear a tale, hear a tale.
We sit on the rug to hear a tale
She reads to us.

We learn a new song and sing it loud, (repeat loudly: Sing it loud!)
Sing it loud, sing it loud,
We learn a new song and sing it loud
At Storytime.

We go to the shelves to find a book, (stand up and walk to the books)
Find a book, find a book.
We go to the shelves to find a book
We love to read.

The librarian says, “Try this book, (every child takes a book)
Try this book, try this book”.
The librarian says, “Try this book,
It’s just right for you.”

We go to the desk to check out books (pretend to scan barcode of book)
Check out books, check out books.
We go to the desk to check out books
We’ll read at home.

The librarian says, “Come back soon, (wave goodbye)
Come back soon, come back soon.”
The librarian says, “Come back soon.”
We know we will!

10 Books for Kids
(Hold up 10 fingers and count down with the verses)

10 books for children, out for storytime
The teacher picked a read-aloud, then there were 9.

Nine books for kids to read, all of them are great
Ethan took a book on trucks, then there were 8.

8 books, some told tales of famous men and women
Jess got a biography, then there were 7.

7 books in a row, standing straight as sticks
Louie picked a comic book, then there were 6.

6 books looking good, their pictures seem alive
Heather chose a book with pandas, then there were 5.

5 books still waiting, with wondrous tales galore
Rick saw pirates hunting treasure, then there were 4.

4 books on display for everyone to see
Sarah found some fairy tales, then there were 3.

3 books on a shelf, all of them brand new
Bryan grabbed a science book, then there were 2.

2 books wanting readers, both are full of fun
Beth checked out a book of jokes, then there was 1.

1 book all alone and waiting patiently
And that lovely picture book’s the perfect one for me!

Read, Read, Read a Book
(tune, Row, Row, Row Your Boat)

Read, read, read a book
Reading everyday
Is a habit you should have
Reading is OK!

Read, read, read a book
You can learn new things
Reading helps to make you smart
And what joy it brings!

Read, read, read a book
Go to the library
Check out all the books you want
And read them all for free!

coloring picture of books, lion

Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10am - 8pm
Friday & Saturday 10am - 5pm