Kids Books You May Have Missed – Friendship Stories

new books you may have missed logoFRIENDSHIP STORIES

Friends in school and at summer camp…
Magical friends and animal friends…
Breaking up and getting back together…
Finding adventure and making trouble!

Whether they are human, animal, or creatures of fantasy, the friends in these books support each other through good and bad times. Find some new friends in these wonderful Friendship Stories.

Shop the whole list. 

book before the ever after

Before the Ever After by Jacqueline Woodson (J Woodson)
ZJ’s friends help him cope when his father, a beloved professional football player, suffers severe headaches and memory loss that spell the end of his career.

The Big Break by Mark Tatulli (J Comic Big Break)
Two ex-best friends get back together to hunt down the mythical Jersey Devil.

Blue Daisy by Helen Frost (Bridge Books J Frost)
Friends Sam and Katie try to help a stray dog and, in the process, bring their neighbors closer together. Includes a recipe for dog biscuits.

book busted by breakfastBusted by Breakfast (Trouble at Table 5) by Tom Watson (Bridge Books J Watson)
When Simon gets in trouble for talking at school, his best friends think up a plan to keep him from getting grounded at home. But will their big plan get him into more trouble?

Camp by Kayla Miller (J Comic Click)
Olive is quick to make friends with other campers, but Willow is having a hard time. Being Willow’s only friend is stressful for Olive. Will their friendship survive summer camp?

Class Act by Jerry Craft (J Comic Class Act)
A companion book to the award-winning New Kid. 8th grader Drew works hard to feel accepted at Riverdale Academy Day School.

The Girls of Firefly Cabin by Cynthia Ellingsen (J Ellingsen)
Four girls meet at camp. Will their new friendship survive rival cabins, distracting crushes, and their own secrets?

book here in the realHere in the Real World by Sara Pennypacker (J Pennypacker)
Ware prefers pretending the lot next to the church is a medieval castle to attending Rec camp. When developers want to sell the land, Ware and Jolene, who is planting a garden there, join forces to save their space.

How to Test a Friendship (The Magnificent Makers) by Theanne Griffith (Bridge Books J Griffith)
Violet, Pablo, and Deepak embark on an adventure in the Maker Maze, a magical laboratory full of robots, an antigravity chamber, 3D printers, and more.

Marigold Star by Elise Primavera (J Primavera)
When a girl from a magical realm accidently sends herself to the human world, she has to make friends with human children to find her way home.

book narwhal's otter friendNarwhal’s Otter Friend by Ben Clanton (J Comic Narwhal)
Exuberant Narwhal and skeptical Jelly test the waters of adding a new friend to their pod when they meet Otty the super-adventurous otter.

Nessie Quest by Melissa Savage (J Savage)
Ru reluctantly joins her parents in Scotland for the summer, where she meets new friends and searches for the Loch Ness Monster.

Peter & Ernesto: A Tale of Two Sloths by by Graham Annable (J Comic Peter & Ernesto)
Peter and Ernesto are sloths, friends, and nothing alike. Ernesto decides to go off on an adventure alone. Will the pals’ separation tear them apart or bring them closer together?

book the shark reportThe Shark Report (Benny McGee and the Shark) by Derek Anderson (Bridge Books J Anderson)
After learning about sharks in school, Benny McGee is afraid to swim in the ocean but a great white shark follows him home and they quickly become friends.

Stella Diaz Never Gives Up by Angela Dominguez (J Dominguez)
Stella loves marine animals. When she learns that the sea and its life forms are in danger due to pollution, she gets help from old and new friends to make a difference.

The Story of Us (Our Friend Hedgehog) by Lauren Castillo (Bridge Books J Castillo)
When a storm separates Hedgehog from her lifelong friend, Mutty, she bravely sets out to find him and makes some very good new friends in the process.

That’s What Friends Do by Cathleen Barnhart (J Barnhart)
Sammie and David’s long-term friendship is endangered when new student Luke begins flirting with Sammie just when David decides to confess his crush on her.

We Could Be Heroes by Margaret Mary Finnegan (J Finnegan)
Hank, a boy with autism, and Maisie become friends as they try to save a neighbor’s dog that is always tied to a tree.

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