Special things happening in Teen this week!

Anime Club
Watch your favorite series and movies, discuss anime & manga, share your artwork. Open to all middle and high school teens.
Wednesday | April 25 | 4:00-5:00 pm
Lovell Room



Fandomonium: Stranger Things
Watch the show, compete in trivia night face-offs, play D& D!
Thursday  |  April 26  |  4:00-6:00 pm
Lovell Room




uCreate: Tabletop Gaming
Introducing uCreate’s NEW tabletop games collection!  Learn to play strategy games like Catan, Diplomacy, and Pandemic.  No previous tabletop gaming experience necessary.  Ages 13 and up.
Saturday  |  April 28  |  2:00-4:30 pm
Lovell Room


AND….Don’t forget!

The Stratford Library Scholarship applications for graduating high school seniors are due by April 30th.



Participate in as many programs as you can and complete your entry into the Teen Program Challenge!
Teens that attended the most programs this month will be entered to win a Wild Wings gift certificate.



Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10am - 8pm
Friday & Saturday 10am - 5pm