Author Archive | lizbeth

This is one of my favorite go-to recipes. It’s easy, looks fancy, and tastes amazing. Enjoy!

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In Canada, butter tarts are as popular as American apple pie, and there are probably even more possible variations tothe recipe. Some Canadians vote for a gooey liquid center, but this recipe makes butter tarts with a filling that is soft butsets firm.I grew up in Canada, and I got this recipe from a very […]

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This recipe was made by my Grandma Rose every year for Easter. The sweet scent of cinnamon filled the air, and the buttery, nutty taste was a real treat. She used to watch soap operas as she baked, following her “story”. Having grown up in Bridgeport, grandma was a renter then proud homeowner in Stratford, […]

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Classic Bruschetta is an easy favorite of my family’s. My father loves to make this and still uses this recipe years after we first started to use it.

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Recipe was found in an old country magazine many years ago. Our family has enjoyed it for many years with variations.

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Sunday 1pm - 5 pm