Archive | Science Adventures

Science Adventures with Shells

Seashells “Every empty seashell on the beach once contained an animal known as a mollusk. Clams, oysters, scallops, conchs, mussels, and snails are all types of mollusks. The shells of these animals are exoskeletons, or hard, outside skeletons that protect their soft bodies.”  Learn more…  Read About It How Are Seashells Made?  How […]

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Science Adventures – Mountains

Mountains  The Earth’s crust is separated into extremely large tectonic plates which float atop molten rock called magma. These plates move slowly every day, so slowly that people cannot feel the movement. Mountains are formed all over the world at points where the plates meet, including beneath oceans.  Mountains usually have steep, sloping sides. The […]

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Science Sunday – Genetics

Science Sunday: Genetics Why do living creatures look like their parents? It’s genetics! Genes get passed down from parents to children. Some of those genes are stronger, more “dominant”, than others. (Dark hair is dominant over blonde or red hair; curly hair is dominant over straight hair; freckles are dominant over non-freckles.) Genes also make […]

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Science Sunday – Flight

Science Sunday: Flight Birds, airplanes, helicopters, kites…these things all fly. While they are each designed differently (and vary greatly in terms of weight), the same physical forces are at work on all of them, allowing them to take off from the ground and move through the air without falling. Let’s learn more about physics and […]

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Science Sunday – Colors

Science Sunday: Colors What is color? In order to see color, there must be light. The sun’s rays are made of “white light” which is all the colors combined together. Light is made of electromagnetic waves which travel extremely quickly. Different colors have different wavelengths. When the light shines onto an object, some colors bounce […]

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Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10am - 8pm
Friday & Saturday 10am - 5pm

Sunday 1pm - 5 pm